●Tadoku is reading a lot of books for pleasure at levels easy enough for you to read without a dictionary. It will change the way you read Japanese forever if you stick to the following rules.
Four Golden Rules for Fun Tadoku
●Taishukan Japanese Readers are edited with the utmost care so you can guess the meaning of difficult words by looking at pictures and/or by simply reading onward. Let us forget about vocabulary building and grammar points. Just enjoy what the book has to offer you.
●Whichever level you are at now, we recommend you start at Level 0. That way you will start reading without translating Japanese into your own language.
●You could also try 'Listen and Read' where you read the text while listening to the audio recording at the same time. It will do you good when you feel your reading speed is too slow or the text seems too difficult for you. You will also get used to the sounds Japanese make.
●In addition to Taishukan Japanese Readers, many learners of Japanese enjoy manga, anime, and TV dramas. Lists of materials will be found at: https://tadoku.org/japanese/tadoku-friendly-books/
●Tell us what you think of our Taishukan Japanese Readers at: https://tadoku.org/japanese/